Make Your Own Cloth Baby Wipes

Reusable cloth baby wipes

If you are working to replace throw-away products with reusable products, start with the simple things. When you are already cloth diapering, it’s easy to use reusable cloth wipes as well. Recycle and re-purpose what you have to make what you don’t have. I got so many baby washcloths at my baby showers the first time around that I repurposed them as wipes.

It’s quick and easy to make your own cloth baby wipes. All you need is:

  • Old or surplus wash cloths
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine

That’s it.

If you don’t have cloths, try old towels, sheets, worn flannel blankets. Look around to see what you have that you would like to renew or repurpose as baby wipes.


I find that 3.75″ x 7.5″ fits perfectly in a commercial wipes container. I usually cut them square, but it takes some sewing skill to turn a square corner well. If you don’t have that skill, round the corners and make your life easier.

Old washclothCutting old washcloth into baby wipes
Cutting washcloth into baby wipesCutting round corners on baby wipes


Ideally, use a serger or overlocking machine. This makes a tough edging that can withstand a lot of washing.

If you don’t have a serger, you can zig zag the edge, either right on the edge (the quick and dirty way) or turning the edge first (longer lasting but harder to do).

Sewing edge of cloth baby wipesFinishing edge of cloth baby wipes


Sew in the end. If you just cut the threads, they will unravel. Trust me on this one!

Finished homemade cloth baby wipeSew end in into cloth baby wipes
Trim threads from cloth baby wipesFinished homemade cloth baby wipe

Easy! Now you have a stack of your own homemade baby wipes. Start to finish (including the time it took to take photos) I spent 10 minutes making 4 wipes. If you get on a roll, you can easily make one wipe per minute.

While you are into DIY, make your own wipes solution. It’s very easy.

Basic Baby Wipes Solution Recipe

1 Tablespoon mild soap (baby shampoo or castile soap)
1 Tablespoon oil (calendula, almond, olive, or other carrier oil)
2-8 drops essential oil (tea tree for antibiotic properties or any for scent)
1 cup water

Start with what you have on hand rather than buying ingredients. Don’t make too much at once because it won’t last a long time. Plus, it’s nice to change the scent with each batch. I like to keep a spray bottle of the solution near the wipes and spray directly on each wipe as needed, but I also tried putting solution and wipes in a wipes warmer to avoid shocking the baby with cold wipes. See if you can get away with cold wipes before resorting to a warmer.

Following up on a couple of weeks of cloth diaper focus, I’m covering other reusable products you can easily introduce into your family’s routine. Last week, it was reusable sandwich bags and wraps. Next, it’s my favorite recent idea. I’m making a cool reusable product I saw on Pinterest and sharing the photos with you.

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3 thoughts on “Make Your Own Cloth Baby Wipes”

  1. Is it safe to wash the wipes with your cloth diapers? I am worried about the oil in the wipe solution creating a barrier on them.


    • Anna, that’s a great question. I haven’t had a problem with mine, but I also didn’t use the oily solutions on my wipes. I just used water with a few drops of essential oil. Would you mind asking on the Facebook page to see if anyone else has had a problem oily wipes solution creating a barrier?

  2. Anna, plain water is all that’s really needed for baby, and this is the safest way to ensure there is no transfer or damage to the diapers. But if you want to use more than water, skip the carrier oils and just add a few drops of an essential oil to plain water. This should be safe enough to wash with all cloth diapers. Any wipe solution is usually okay with cotton diapers (prefolds for example) but polyester diapers, such as pocket diapers, could be a problem.

    Regardless, we would suggest you check with the manufacturer of the diapers you are using to ensure you won’t be voiding any warranty you have by using any solution other than water. Some manufacturers are very particular about what can or cannot be used with their diapers.

    I hope this helps!


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